Allison Durland Donahou, Ph.D.

About me
I am originally from Seattle, Washington and grew up exploring the mountains and the coasts of the Pacific Northwest. After taking a marine science class in high school, I knew I wanted to be a marine biologist and knew I wanted to teach the subject. I started the path to this goal by receiving my B.A. in marine science from the University of San Diego. I then took a year off to explore the field which led me to a job at the NOAA-NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center. This was an excellent experience that allowed me to travel to and learn about fishing communities in Alaska and exposed me to the human dimensions aspect of fisheries. I then moved to Florida to pursue my M.S. at Nova Southeastern University working with sea turtles. It was there that I realized my passion for non-native species research which I then conducted for my Ph.D. at the University of Florida.
I am an ecologist that is interested in both marine and freshwater systems. My research focuses on marine and aquatic ecology conservation, specifically how anthropogenic influences have altered these ecosystems and what methods can be applied to limit these influences. I have conducted research on many taxa, including crayfish, crabs, frogs, fish, and sea turtles, and many marine and aquatic ecosystems. Currently, I am focusing on the influences of non-native fish on ecosystems in Florida.
I enjoy kayaking, hiking, the beach, soccer, and football.
Office Information
Location: Polk Science 128